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Well, let's see what has been going on. I made a job change back in March, not expecting the virus to be as bad as its been. So I have been temporarily off work until we can open again. I guess I should add I went from the clinic as an MA to work at a local craft store to manage the coffee shop and then once that takes place I should be focusing on other projects. SO big secret I do not even like coffee, but I am trying different flavors. Who knows maybe I will find one I like. OH, and the kids have been off school since spring break in March, well not off completely but now we are doing online classes the rest of the school year. I have found out I am a terrible homeschool teacher!!! I am thankful even if there are days I am glad the neighbors must be ignoring the yelling, even if its not all bad yelling, sometimes the kids get a little wild with each other and on their games.            On another note, my chickens are back to laying eggs. But of course,...
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About me

Lets see what can I tell you about myself. Well I am a married mother of 5 and chicken mom of 7, yes I said chickens.  My husband and I have 4 boys and 1 girl. Yep that is right one girl who is as rough and tough as the boys, but I suppose she has to be. My husband Abelino and I have been together for over 20 years. I am currently working as a medical assistant to an awseome doctor. But my dream job would be to be able to stay home and focus on my craft business.  With a full time job, 5 kids, husband and a house it has been very hard to do that.